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Angular-RPI DEMO

AngularJS Reading Position Indicator

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<-- scroll down to see an indicator -->


AngularJS Reading Position Indicator

Based on


Load a module ['angular-rpi'] and simply add:

<!-- CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/css/angular-rpi.min.css" />

<!-- JS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="dist/js/angular-rpi.min.js"></script>

to your HTML, and then use it as a directive:


Modify and build

You can change default styles for the progress bar by editing angular-rpi.scss, or override it in your own styles.

To build just type: npm install & gulp

It will create CSS from SCSS file, and minify JS & CSS files.


Feel free to commit your code here :)


The MIT License (MIT)